Write Your Thoughts about the Project and say GOOD BYE to your friends::)))



  1. Hi dear Partners, it is time to say good bye.
    It was pleasure for me to work with you::)))

  2. It was really a good experience for me and my kids thanks a lot for all of you :)

  3. It was an amazing experience being together here, thank youπŸ™‚

  4. Thanks for everything dear friends. It was my first project and I really had really good experiences and amazing time😍

  5. It was an awesome experience, and I was very glad to be able to work with all of you. Thanks for everything

  6. Time flies... It is time to say goodbye:( This is my first project on eTwinning platform so it is really precious for me. I and my students learnt a lot during the project. Being a partner of this entertaining, enjoyable and collaborative project was a pleasure for me:)


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